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About a year ago GS rebranded its ArchiCAD, its logo turning from a somewhat curvy A to an arch with a point. I’d rather be known as an expert in a toolset that requires an additional clarification of ‘you know, used to be called ArchiCAD’ then just … ‘you know, ArchiCAD’. I badgered them about the ArchiCAD name, even then.
encouraging software tribalism) – here is a challenge: I’ll show you mine (Archicad marquee), you show me yours (spatial filtering device); I use the marquee a lot – to examine parts of the building I am interested in. That tells you a lot about my life I guess. Still, before you call me a hypocrite (i.e. What about you?
I consider myself to be a model-based construction information practitioner (shortened to a ‘BIM- meddler’) rather than an ‘expert’ or even ‘specialist’ Saturday, April 7, 2012. Archicad at its best). Archicad at its best). Now, these are nice! Now, these are nice! ► March. (7).
Plus, ArchiCAD paired with Solibri's Model Checker and Viewpoint added Prophix' corporate performance management software to its Strategic Partner program.
Still, that has not deterred me to consistently use the colour ‘red’ on my construction models as a warning sign, highlighting that an element is either under-defined or wrongly defined by the design consultants or others in charge of it. Model based communication supports this idea splendidly.
Asks Gergely, who I presume to be a ‘model purist’.and This little-battle is between Archicad and me – I repeatedly ignore the creators’ hints to use the product in-a-certain-way and force it ‘kicking and screaming’ to perform tasks I dream-up. and good on him for standing up for something as noble as that.
CostX® is the most recognized BIM estimating solution to look at and takeoff from 3D/BIM models (including IFC). The software is compatible with the leading 3d design packages like Revit®, Archicad®, Microstation®, Tekla® and Google Sketchup® as well as all standard 2D drawings. Measurements are focused on all views.
And they are not bad with their tools; In fact, the ‘A team’ can cook up a pretty cool Revit model in a pretty good time frame. Don’t bother by offering me other, Autodesk-compatible earthworks software, for the one-eyed ArchiCAD agitator I am, this is a race with 2 horses.
Yet it is undisputable, that a large percentage of those drawings are created in a model-based software. For better or worse, most of building related data lives in model-based environments. Or are happy to pass it onto the BIM doers, modellers, coordinators, and managers.
I should start with a disclaimer: I model in Archicad 13; That is whenever I need to assess something quickly and am not constrained by other project-needs nor the limitations of the software itself. So, what I am about to write may no longer be an issue in Archicad 14, nor the other modelling packages people use.
Archie is the cheap version of Archicad, customised for Contractors. Archie’s workspace is partitioned into 4 panels, each colour coded for easy navigation: Modelling and Coordination: the panel is white with the original-orange coloured grid of ArchiCAD (note spell!) where contractors model their buildings.
This fact brought home the realisation, that it is exactly 20 years since I bought my first ArchiCAD licence. That date did not mark my introduction to (what much later become) BIM, for a number of years before 1996 (about 5) I dabbled with 3D AutoCAD (fully modelled buildings with it in DOS). Again, you must use ArchiCAD.
The long overdue third instalment of my ‘The role of PDFs in BIM’ trilogy Let me start with a long-winded explanation on, how this post is not supposed to be an argument based on the question of ‘why would one want to import one (or hundreds) of PDF file(s) into any working BIM model?’. Now, can I get on with exploring PDFs in BIM models?
Ten years ago I amazed the local Archicad supplier by a colourful CV fully prepared on Plotmaker. quite a clumsy plotting tool related-to but not part of Archicad) These days I choose my tools according to what they can do. Photoshop to make textures for my BIM models. A quarter of a century later, I now know better.
It provides a credible picture of present day attitudes and progress made towards Building Information Modelling (BIM) in New Zealand.” Autodesk products are conveniently bundled together – not so ArchiCAD and Vectorworks (owned by the same company: Nemetschek). Note the words ‘on behalf’ and ‘credible’. Then, look at the chart itself!
There is no perfect modelling package in AEC, all can do with a bit of Truvy type magic. Archicad has a little gadget within the Trace & Reference command that will allow you to split the screen and slide either up/down or sidewise. Neither could be called an absolute must but oh, so useful when one models at the construction end.
It needs an ‘entree’ before I can publish: It is about basic modelling: I create a column.* I used Archicad for this particular exercise; I believe that most other ‘main stream’ AEC modelling packages work in a very similar way; I wrote today’s post (working title: The 2 essential BIM gizmos) and. re-read it.
When VICO picked up Constructor about 5 years ago, it elected to upscale the reasonably capable but also architect biased modelling software into a complicated construction suite. Get rid of the architectural baggage Archicad was weighed down with, and make Constructor a stand alone, construction focused, modelling package.
I consider myself to be a model-based construction information practitioner (shortened to a ‘BIM- meddler’) rather than an ‘expert’ or even ‘specialist’ Thursday, December 1, 2011. Still, when I put on the hat of the ‘virtual design manager/construction coordinator’, I go for Archicad.
BIM, Building Information Modeling, education is not being practiced effectively, if at all, in many/most educational institutions. Using Revit, Archicad, or other 3d modeling software is NOT an introduction to BIM, but rather a component of BIM.
Almost thirty years ago, I was first talking about computer modelling of buildings. I documented full houses in 3D ArchiCAD 20 years ago in our design studio, while she looked after our children. I designed and modelled iconic commercial buildings in Teamwork Architecture when we moved to a bigger town 15 years ago.
I consider myself to be a model-based construction information practitioner (shortened to a ‘BIM- meddler’) rather than an ‘expert’ or even ‘specialist’ Thursday, May 24, 2012. Thankfully my work environment is safe. Sometime, I wish they had.
I consider myself to be a model-based construction information practitioner (shortened to a ‘BIM- meddler’) rather than an ‘expert’ or even ‘specialist’ Thursday, July 26, 2012. It can’t really be that hard. Not something one should frown on, in a tight economy.
I consider myself to be a model-based construction information practitioner (shortened to a ‘BIM- meddler’) rather than an ‘expert’ or even ‘specialist’ Friday, April 20, 2012. Archicad at its best). The entertainment value of BIM. I run a pretty versatile BIM department. Now, these are nice!
I observed a phenomena: over the years the number of users of 3D (model) based software in AEC has raised dramatically while their average skill level dropped tragically. Archicad did it for an entire decade through the nineties; Presently, both packages and many more are all plodding along route 2.
Bulk moving to a different modelling software? They DO appear to cover a large range of tools, from Revit, through Archicad, Rhino, Sketch up, even hand sketching. Woods Bagot. Did not get the job, unfortunately. Now, I am one of those people that has been uttering things like “we do not want to be locked into one package.”
This approach is somewhat surprising considering that in most contemporary construction contracts PDF’s as the digital representations of drawings have often higher standing than model files or even DWGs. These can be placed in plans/elevations/sections making them an excellent base for either 2D or 3D based work.
All BIM objects have properties, and most also have geometries (although some do not, for example a paint finish). To avoid duplication, information should be both structured and coordinated. .
I consider myself to be a model-based construction information practitioner (shortened to a ‘BIM- meddler’) rather than an ‘expert’ or even ‘specialist’ Sunday, December 11, 2011. I found it in Archicad’s Object Depository while searching for something else. ‘Now, that IS clever!’
That said, BIM has been preoccupied with 3D visualization to the extent that many/most feel that Revit, Archicad, et al are all that’s needed to implement BIM. Many/most organizations are dealing under an “information scarcity” model, when in reality we are all in an world of. Some will succeed, many will fail.
I consider myself to be a model-based construction information practitioner (shortened to a ‘BIM- meddler’) rather than an ‘expert’ or even ‘specialist’ Monday, April 9, 2012. Fully model based, fully 2D or hybrid? Archicad at its best). Type of hybrid? Now, these are nice! ► March. (7).
Commonly they offer the ability to view BIM models of various origins, maybe combine them, rotate, zoom, filter information. Some have mark-up tools, others provide fancy gadgets for tracking model-revisions. The models are usually stored on remote servers, they live in the Cloud, so to speak. Some are better than others.
In my travels working as a consultant I've been part of more than a few conversations debating using Revit or even the broader notion of BIM (Building Information Modelling). Consider that Archicad would love it if we all woke up tomorrow and gave them credit for doing it all years earlier. Any reply that starts with "Yeah, but."
We should've stuck with pen & paper until a tool like Revit or Archicad or Tri-Forma came along. I simply cannot beleive how painful it is to manipulate "stuff" in 2D CAD versus an object modeler like Revit. I am so frustrated by this, I simply want to run from my office screaming.
BIM is the life-cycle modeling and management of the built environment supported by digital technology. First, a few clarifications and items to help frame this discussion: BIM definition: “BIM is the life-cycle modeling and management of the built environment supported by digital technology.” INTRODUCTION.
That could be changed with a 4-step process: Make the project truly paper free, make Caterpillar phones the official phones of the project, put Adobe into charge of all the data outputs (2D, 3D, 4D…) and link everything to a central model built by and on ArchiCAD.
I consider myself to be a model-based construction information practitioner (shortened to a ‘BIM- meddler’) rather than an ‘expert’ or even ‘specialist’ Monday, April 23, 2012. Archicad at its best). No disclaimers, no hesitation! Reconstructing drawing-sets and the case of the 'G. ► 2011.
I consider myself to be a model-based construction information practitioner (shortened to a ‘BIM- meddler’) rather than an ‘expert’ or even ‘specialist’ Thursday, April 5, 2012. Archicad at its best). Reconstructing drawing-sets and the case of the 'G. Now, these are nice! ► March. (7).
While the industry is currently fixated upon 3D visualization tools, aka Revit, Archicad, Bentely… they only represent components of a BIM solution. First and foremost BIM is the life-cycle management of the built environment supported by digital technology.
My contributions to my own blogs had been mooted to an almost full silence and I never upgraded to ArchiCAD 17, though I expect the launch of 18 to be soon. I now got myself a job that has nothing to do with BIM. I am staying away from most online or real-life BIM interest groups.
Yes, people create BIM bunkers, walk around with lasers, VR headsets and iphone models, but these are few and far between, are often just a gimmick, and most definitely operate below the magic line of real decision (and money) makers of the industry.
Facilities Operations Software (3d modeling (R evit, Bentley, Archicad…) CPMS, CMMS, IWMS, CAFM, EAMS, ERP, BAS/BMS GI S … ) , C ollaborative Cons truction Delivery Methods (IP D – In tegrated P ro ject Delivery, J OC- Job O rder Contracting, PPP – Public /P rivate P artner ships.), Does it exist today?
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